
Kilifi North MP launches 10-day campaign against muguka addiction

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Running from June 10 to June 20, the nationwide initiative is titled "Save Lives by Burning Muguka Leaves: Join the War Against Muguka."

In response to the escalating issue of muguka addiction in Kenya, Kilifi North MP Owen Baya has kicked off a 10-day campaign on the negative impacts of the stimulant, particularly on the youth.

Running from June 10 to June 20, the nationwide initiative is titled "Save Lives by Burning Muguka Leaves: Join the War Against Muguka."

It seeks to unite communities, leaders, and stakeholders in addressing the social, economic, and health challenges associated with addiction.

MP Baya emphasised the importance of awareness and community engagement in tackling the issue, which has made headlines over the past few weeks following a ban by the three coastal counties of Kilifi, Mombasa, and Taita Taveta.

"Muguka is destroying the fabric of our society, particularly our youth. We must take a stand now to protect our future generations," Baya stated on Monday.

Guests attend Kilifi North MP Owen Baya's launch of a 10-day campaign against muguka addiction, at the Kibaoni Social Hall in Kilifi town, on June 10, 2024. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein/EV)

Key components of the campaign include an extensive awareness campaign, community engagement, advocacy and policy support, public demonstrations, youth involvement, and rehabilitation services.

All media channels—social, radio, TV, and print—will be used to disseminate information about the harmful effects of muguka, alongside educational materials such as pamphlets, posters, and infographics, which will carry detailed information.

Community engagement will involve organising forums, town hall meetings, and workshops in affected counties like Kilifi, Mombasa, and Taita Taveta.

The campaign will engage community leaders, youth groups, women's associations, and religious institutions in discussions about the negative impacts of muguka on individuals and communities.

"It is crucial that we empower our local communities to take ownership of this movement," Baya noted.

In addition to grassroots initiatives, the campaign will advocate for the draft Crops (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which proposes removing miraa from the list of scheduled crops.

Guests attend Kilifi North MP Owen Baya's launch of a 10-day campaign against muguka addiction, at the Kibaoni Social Hall in Kilifi town, on June 10, 2024. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein/EV)

MP Baya is mobilising support for this bill, lobbying members of parliament and other policymakers to prioritise its passage.

"We need the strict enforcement of existing laws and investment in alternative crops to curb muguka's grip on our society," he said.

Public activities, including peaceful protests and symbolic actions like burning muguka leaves, will be held as a show of a collective commitment to ending the stimulant's consumption.

Youth involvement is also a key focus, with plans for youth-led initiatives such as art competitions, theatre performances, and music festivals to creatively raise awareness about the dangers of muguka.

The campaign will also involve rehabilitation and support services, partnering with rehabilitation centres and counselling services to offer addiction support programmes.

The effectiveness of the campaign will be monitored through various means, including media coverage, social media engagement, and community feedback.

"Together, we can root out this destructive plant and sow the seeds of a healthier, more prosperous tomorrow," Baya noted.

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